Calgary Courts Centre
An aerial view of the Calgary Courts Centre in downtown Calgary, Alberta. It is the largest court facility in Canada, and was constructed by the Government of Alberta to provide over 1 million square feet of court and office space.
Photo ID: 15-01-27-274
Created: January 27, 2015
Peak Aerials - www.peakaerials.com
Photo size: 19.9 Mpixels (56.8 MB uncompressed) - 3641x5455 pixels (12.1x18.2 in / 30.8x46.2 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: aerial, aerial photo, aerial photography, alberta, buy, calgary, calgary court, calgary courts building, calgary courts centre, cana construction, canada, courthouse, download, downtown, government, government of alberta, high res, high resolution, image, kasian architecture, law, office tower, photo, photograph, skyscraper, stock, tower